Gabriella Mueller (née Wong)

Digital Marketing and Communications Specialist


Primarily a written content specialist in blockchain technology, my expertise extends to community management and digital marketing on a multitude of online social channels. I have an academic background in history, and am acquainted with academic writing practices through my studies and starting a student journal, Satura, with my friends at WWU Münster.

Anoma Blog
Fractal Scaling

Fractal scaling is Anoma’s approach to scaling throughput, in which transactions are split across local instances that any user is allowed to create to fit their needs. These local instances are all interoperable with each other, and users can move their assets to whichever instance is most convenient for their transactions.

Anoma Blog
Agents of Anoma: Matchmaking Node Operators

The matchmaker is the second component of the intent gossip network, facilitating the matching of user intents from any number of parties to execute a mutually beneficial trade. Learn about what the matchmaker is, how the matchmaking process works, and what it takes to operate a matchmaking node.

Enabling N-party transactions with Anoma's state machine

Anoma’s state machine allows the bartering of arbitrary assets among multiple parties efficiently. With the use of a range of validity predicates, users are able to utilize Anoma to its fullest extent, expressing their desires and capabilities on intents for their transactional needs.

Vol. 1 (2018)

The first volume of Satura, of which I was an editor.