Euan Marshall

Reporter, editor


Glaswegian journalist living in São Paulo, Brazil. Editor for The Brazilian Report, freelance for Telegraph, Al Jazeera, BBC and others. Focus on politics, environment and sports.

The Telegraph
Jair Bolsonaro: the man who broke Brazil

President of Brazil caught between political implosion and a virus out of control On a warm evening in São Paulo Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro held his head high and started into the camera lens to address an expectant nation.

The Brazilian Report
Bolsonaro makes bid for support with new welfare program

Photo: Nelson Antoine/Shutterstock The economic team of President Jair Bolsonaro took office preaching the reduction of the state's role in financial matters and cutting back spending in myriad areas. It came as some surprise, therefore, when ultra-liberal Economy Minister Paulo Guedes announced last week the creation of a broad cash transfer program entitled Renda Brasil (Income Brazil), billed as an extended version of the globally lauded Bolsa Família program.

The Brazilian Report
Under fire, Brazil's Environment Minister denies "encouraging" deforestation

Amazon area being deforested in Mato Grosso. Photo: Mayke Toscano/Secom-MT During April, with all of Brazilian states imposing varying degrees of social isolation measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, deforestation in the Amazon reached its highest level in ten years.

The Brazilian Report
Bolsa Família grinds to a halt under Jair Bolsonaro

Photo: Daniel Wiedemann/Shutterstock During the 2018 election campaign, rumors spread on social media claiming that if he were made president, Jair Bolsonaro intended to scrap Bolsa Família-Brazil's world-renowned welfare cash-transfer program. This is a standard tactic from the left, but the chance of the initiative being canceled is always remote: Bolsa Família is popular, it works, and it is cheap.

The Brazilian Report
Indigenous communities at risk of "genocide" with Covid-19 outbreak

Photo: Lidiane Ribeiro/Ibama One month since the first confirmed Covid-19 case in Brazil, the virus has spread all across the country. There are now reports of positive coronavirus tests in all 27 states, from the bustling Southeast all the way to the sparsely populated North.

The Telegraph
Fears for uncontacted tribes as evangelical missionaries plan helicopter drops into Amazon

Ethnos360 claims it is "opening the doors" to reach ten previously uncontacted tribes in the Vale do Javari, the area with the highest concentration of isolated indigenous peoples in the world. The group, which believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible, says its mission is to bring Christianity to all people whose "cultures and languages have isolated them from the gospel".

The Brazilian Report
Gilmar Mendes: Operation Car Wash's public enemy number 1

Supreme Court Justice Gilmar Mendes. Photo: Marcelo Camargo/ABr On Sunday afternoon, various cities around Brazil saw demonstrations of pro-Jair Bolsonaro groups calling for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Gilmar Mendes, the current bête noire of the Brazilian far-right.

Ronaldinho and the Right-Winger

It would be hard to imagine stranger bedfellows than Ronaldinho and Jair Bolsonaro. Ronaldinho became a global icon in the 2000s, his carefree manner on the pitch belying an enormous talent that made him the best footballer in the world before the emergence of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.