I write books, poetry, and other wordy things. Some of them even make sense sometimes!
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Gay Romance

MK Lee's Telling Tales
A Wasted Evening

It's time to give up. This wasn't meant for you, anyway, not really, wasn't something you ever dreamed you'd get to experience. And look how right you were about that; nothing has happened between you at all. Not for all those looks, those lingering fingers that have pressed into your skin in passing, nor the...

MK Lee's Telling Tales
At Three In The Morning

Here is a short story that is part of the Raife and Dexter 'verse; happy reading! Okay. So how the hell is he getting out of this without both revealing himself and making, potentially, the biggest mess he has ever made? At least in this room. Was it even worth it?

MK Lee's Telling Tales
I Am You, And You Are Me

The crackle of the record player with every spin of the disc hissing in the background, the muted orange lighting that bathes skin with a night time glow. Socked toes, catching on the tug of the cream carpet pile with every turn, the brush of cotton beneath fingertips, the feel of fingers spread low around...

MK Lee's Telling Tales
Warm Hands

The slip of the record from its sleeve conjures just as much nostalgia as the music itself will once William lowers the needle to play. He pictures a dance floor, crowded and joyful, couples and groups dancing together though all moving as one. The first notes of the music playing transport him back there; with...

MK Lee's Telling Tales
Bared And Armored

This facade he wears is not something thrown together one evening on a whim; it's a wall he's been perfecting ever since he discovered the power of hiding behind a mask as a teen. Mirror-rehearsed quirked brows and confident smiles when he's feeling anything but, above layer upon layer of beautiful armor, adorned with kohl-lined...

Web Series

MK Lee's Telling Tales
A Restless Heart

Summary: No friends. No family to speak of. And no end to his latest manuscript in sight. Tyler moves across the city hoping a fresh perspective will turn things around in his world. He doesn't expect his life to be turned upside down quite like this.

MK Lee's Telling Tales
From Across The Hall - 1

Summary: Ruben has a crush on the cute barista in the coffee shop opposite from where he works. Will he ever work up the courage to at least say hello? One chapter posting a day November 1 through December 1. Ruben's late for work again. He charges through the rotating doors at the main entrance...

Other Writing

MK Lee's Telling Tales
The Beach

Once upon a time, there was a beach, a beautiful stretch of sand composed of the erosion of thousands of years of life and the solid foundation of rock beneath its surface. The sea would visit it every day, in great blue waves that replenished the beach in life and sediment, yet took away with...

MK Lee's Telling Tales

You thought I was disposable. Monday morning. The first full week after the Christmas and New Year break, you late for work like every other driver out there, annoyed that other people might also have somewhere to go. Me, also late for work, with probably the same Monday blues and concerns about the working day...

MK Lee's Telling Tales

Listen to Grainne on Spotify! M K Lee is an author of poetry, short stories, and novels, who thinks the world deserves more happy stories. When not writing, they enjoy the company of all creatures great and small, love watching amateur dramatics, and discovering the world one good coffee and great cake at a time.