Kristin Westad

Freelance Writer

United States of America

I recently graduated summa cum laude from Dean College in Franklin, MA with a degree in psychology. I would like to pursue a master's degree sometime in the future, but for now I am focusing on my passion for writing.

The Borgen Project
US House of Reps Passes READ Act

On Jan. 24, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development (READ) Act (H.R. 601). The bill, which has essentially the same language as the Education for All Act of 2016, provides accountability for existing U.S. efforts to improve quality basic education in developing and war-torn countries.

The Borgen Project
A History of Australia's Foreign Aid Program

Australia's foreign aid program has seen many changes since it first became a single government agency in the 1970s. Besides the name, changes have taken place within the program's administration, its focus, the countries that receive aid and the type of aid provided. Australia provided aid to other countries well before there was an official government program.

The Borgen Project
Latest Global Poverty Figures Finally Released by World Bank

In October, the World Bank released a new report called Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2016: Taking on Inequality, which provides the latest global poverty figures. This is the first in a series that the organization plans on releasing annually.

The Borgen Project
Achieving Zero Hunger Will Require Serious Investments

On Dec. 6, 2016, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released the first post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report, 2016 Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Insecurity - Investing in a Zero Hunger Generation.

The Borgen Project
Opportunity International: Fighting Poverty Through Job Creation

The nonprofit organization Opportunity International is fighting poverty through job creation. Its goal is to create and sustain 20 million jobs by the year 2020 in an effort to end global poverty. Founded in 1971 by Al Whittaker and David Bussau, Opportunity International helps people in developing countries work their way out of poverty by providing them with small business loans, savings accounts, insurance and training.

The Borgen Project
Netherlands Using Technology to Fight Hunger in Developing Countries

Smallholders are small-scale farmers with less than two hectares (2.471 acres) of farmland. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. (FAO), "smallholders provide up to 80 percent of the food supply in Asian and sub-Saharan Africa."

New Technology for Ugandan Birth Registration - BORGEN

UGANDA - The Mobile Vital Records System (VRS) is among the newest technologies in Uganda. Its goal is to raise the rate of birth registrations in the country. According to a 2014 World Bank report, Uganda's fertility rate is 5.8 births per woman, one of the highest in the world.

The Borgen Project
Impacts of Child Undernutrition in Malawi-BORGEN PROJECT

Malawi is a country in southeast Africa with a population of more than 17 million people. Of those, 6.5 million require food assistance. In southern Africa, it is the country with the largest number of people facing extreme hunger.