Fashion Journalists

Browse the directory of fashion journalists below. We found 287 fashion journalists listed.

Nicola Fahey

Freelance Entertainment Editor

Entertainment journalist with 15 years+ experience delivering agenda-setting cultural content to national newspaper and magazine titles


stefanie shank

copywriter, content strategist, creator, coach

I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I'm one of those people who found something they enjoy doing, and who gets to do it for a living. It took me a while (and a few career iterations), but I've arrived. And I'm grateful. For the last few years, I've worked in freelance roles wearing a few different hats: Marketing Manager, Web Administrator, Content Strategist, Social Media Puppeteer, Copy Wizard, and Editor armed with a fine-toothed comb. (I write for free, too, but in that case, it's penning prose to create something tangible out of my experience of life.) If there's one thing I can say for sure, it's this: I'm better at talking about your company than I am about myself. If you're looking for content, let's chat.

Nikki Haslett

Multimedia Journalist, Editor, Writer

Hello! My name is Nikki Haslett and I'm a recent first-generation honors graduate from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. While obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in English writing and a minor in journalism, I have taken on a variety of thoughtful, interesting, and engaging topics during my college career; I was the first staff member to write on WCU's decision to move to remote instruction during the initial COVID-19 lockdown, interviewed local clothing sellers for a fashion magazine I created in my journalism practicum, and reported on the possible threats to Roe v. Wade and reproductive healthcare resources under SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Aside from my experience in copyediting, research and news writing under ethical standards, I've worked with multimedia tools to tell stories in other ways, such as Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe Audition, Canva and Premiere. As a result, I gained both in-person and digital newsroom experience, having published 30+ articles under Her Campus and The Quad Student News Service. In 2020, I was nominated for the Keystone Press Award for an article I co-wrote, titled “Local Universities Face Mass Faculty Layoffs,” and received public recognition by the senior editors and executive board of Her Campus at West Chester for my piece on the Farmers' Protest in New Delhi. I am currently seeking editorial opportunities for digital/print publications. Feel free to email or message me and thank you for taking a chance to read my work!


Sofia Quintero


I am a young journalist who has experienced a diverse upbringing. Born in the United States, raised in Costa Rica by Colombian parents, completing my university studies in Paris, and now living in New York City, I believe in the power of unity through globalization. I am inspired by design, fashion, and the power of storytelling.


Hillary Cormier


Copywriter @ Accenture Song // Freelance Content Writer @ WGSN // Freelance Copywriter @ Perch // Based in Houston, TX.


Sam Rogers

Content Manager

Sam Rogers is a British-born writer permanently residing in the Netherlands. A specialist in the simple explanation of complex subject matter.


Carmen Antreasian

Freelance Writer | Educator | Copywriter | Brand Manager

New York City based freelance writer, educator and brand manager, primarily working in fashion, beauty, dance, higher education and critical theory. Specializes in copywriting for blog posts, e-commerce product descriptions and brand communications, such as blast emails, press releases and social media posts. She is also a published academic and creative writer. Tutoring and Teaching expertise, from Elementary to University, incl. Ivy League, levels. Memberships: International Association of Professional Writers and Editors [IAPWE] American Association of Geographers [AAG] Selected works, more available upon request. [email protected]



Artist, Poet, Creative

ZIRIONN is a 23 year old artist born and raised in New Jersey. He is a creative jack of all trades with an artistic mind and a vision for the future. He is on the rise with the potential to obtain longevity in the entertainment industry.

Yuko Wasabi

Editorial Writer/Journalist

I have over 20 years of experience in online and paper media and operations. In 2008, I was a finalist for the 6th Shueisha Ken Kaiko Nonfiction Award for "Hazuremono no Shuchou". I also served an Air'15 Residency, an artist-in-residence program in Vienna with artists from around the world. My previous work has appeared in Rikunabi Next Journal, Jisedai Leader Summit, Da Vinci News, Mainichi Sponichi TAP_i, Nihon no Kekkonshiki, Hotel Wedding, Wedding DRESS, etc. I have worked for other internet startup companies as a PM and translator. I am a graduate of California State University. WHAT I DO: - Magazine editing and writing in print and online - Book editing and writing in print and online - Interviews (in both English and Japanese) - Translation - Posting on SNS - Web content - Column - Blog post - Book critics - Press releases - Advertorial - Journalism -Project Management -Event Produce -Copyright clearance WHO I'VE WORKED FOR: (details on request) - Publishing companies - Digital Start-up companies - Digital marketing agencies - Advertising Companies Below are selected samples of my works. 山葵夕子(わさびゆうこ) アメリカの大学CSUHでマスコミ学部ジャーナリズム学科を卒業したのち、大手IT出版社を経てフリーに。2008年、『ハズレモノの主張』で第6回集英社開高健ノンフィクション賞最終候補。2015年、世界のアーティストを集めたウイーンのアーティストインレジデンスプログラム『Air’15 Residency』に選出。ビジネス、イノベーション、医療、脳科学、心理、文化人類、婚礼、テクノロジー、食、地域創生、ジェンダー、セクシャリティと執筆分野は問わず。書籍、雑誌、ネットメディアの監修・立ち上げ、 企画編集、取材執筆を行なう。アマン京都のプレオープニングイベント『秋山章きものショー』のプロデュース、学生や市民向けライティング指導も。過去掲載媒体:リクナビNEXTジャーナル、次世代リーダーサミット、毎日スポニチTAP-i、ダ・ヴィンチニュース、日本の結婚式、WeddingBOOK、Menjoy!ほか多数。


Rafaela Paiva

Jornalista | Editora | Redatora | Repórter | Social Media

Oie! Meu nome é Rafaela Paiva, tenho 24 anos e sou formada em Jornalismo pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Com quase 5 anos de experiência em jornalismo de moda, beleza e entretenimento, já trabalhei para veículos como Rolling Stone, CARAS Brasil e Máxima Digital. Atualmente, produzo conteúdo para o site e as redes sociais do Hollywood Forever TV (