Anna Williams

Editor, Writer, Localization Assistant, and Publishing Coordinator

United States

Editor, Writer, Localization Assistant, and Publishing Coordinator currently employed with Screen Rant as an Anime Editor.

In the past, I have worked with Comic Book Resources as an Anime Features Editor and as an Authority Editor specializing in reviews and interviews related to comic books, anime, and manga.

I've also completed freelance projects with Baroque Decay localizing scripts for Youtube videos, and as a Childrens' Publishing Coordinator with Acorn Publishing LLC on tasks related to editing, graphic design, and setting up distribution for authors.

The Five Best Underrated Seinen Manga

While names like Berserk and Vagabond are commonplace when recommending seinen titles, there are plenty of amazing series fans should be reading.

The Five Best Underrated Shonen Manga

Shonen manga has a reputation for producing instant classics and best-sellers. Of course, in such a broad demographic, many series get overlooked.

The Five Best Underrated Josei Manga

The josei manga demographic, which is often regarded as shoujo manga's older sister, is filled with gorgeous series that are sadly overlooked.

The Five Best Underrated Shoujo Manga

The shoujo demographic has spawned wonderful series like Fruits Basket and NANA, but there are plenty of gorgeous manga deserving of recognition.