Mildred Alicia Vargas

United States


Short Stories & Nonsense Made Real


The sun had set on this hot summer evening in the Bronx. The air ran thick with smoke from a hookah, car exhaust and the faint scent of grass from the local community park. The school year was almost over and Oliver James Perez was near the end of his sophomore year of high school....

Writer's block...

A demon really, hindering on the creativity that could be genial or mediocre. What is wrong with me? I've felt so wrong about everything. Lately all I do is wrong and yet I can't write about it. Not a word. They don't come fast enough or don't stick around for long.

When Pigs Fly

"Brujeria." said Antonio. He took a bitter bite of his apple as his ball missed the pocket. "My turn," Carlos shot four pockets with one slick tap at the deceiving white ball on the table they call billiards. "Brujeria you call it." Angelito was the youngest of them, tall and skinny boy no more than sixteen.

Dreamland and The Dark

"I'm on my way, Sweetheart" said Mister, as she looked at her phone and realized it was a quarter to twelve at night and she wasn't ready. She didn't expect him to agree to come over after her last bold and very forward text of "would you come over and sleep with me?"

The Jilter's Rug

The all too familiar tightening in her lower belly was becoming unbearable with every thought of him this past week. Her throat constricted when she summed up the courage to call and confront him on this matter, but her efforts would soon die once she looked at her phone and his number was at the...

The Maiden and The Crone

I often get lost in my own dreamlands of prose, usually influenced by some kind of literary fix or screen written story that becomes an essential part of my life. Fantasies in particular have always drawn me in and I suppose it's because it's been my personal quest to live for something more and outside...


Postmodern Girl
US reproductive rights: employers can now deny you birth control benefit

In early July of this year, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that employers can deny birth control to their employees. Burwell v. Hobby Lobby set off a new level to this issue that's been debated on since the recession of 2008. The Scholars Strategy Network highlight the struggles regarding women and birth control where the...

Gamergate Campaign: The Fight For Change In Video Games

The gaming community has long had a reputation as a violent arena fueled by a reluctance to adapt to the rapidly-evolving gaming industry. The ever-growing population of women working in the gaming industry is a positive leap in the direction of gender equality - particularly in such a male-dominated industry -- but many gamers do...

Postmodern Girl
'Hollaback!’ The Video That Made Cat-Calling A Racial Issue

Now is the time to get past the notion that catcalling is a norm and doesn’t offend and make others uncomfortable. Perhaps we need a new definition of harassment to remind others that it happens the moment a person feels uncomfortable in a situation involving another’s aggressive and/or disturbing behavior.


Review: 'La Lotería'

As Augusto Ramirez ( Ismael Cruz Cord óva) sits in a Dominican airport waiting to board a plane in Shahir Daud's short film ' La Loter ía,' he contemplates his three biggest regrets: A lost bet that led to an embarrassing tattoo, a revolting kiss with a pukey American tourist...and finally, the remorse he feels at this very moment.


The Golden Sales

Editorial on staffing interviews of the Medicare insurance sales and marketing team for a health care company