Kate Flood

Trade Union Organiser

United Kingdom

Union organiser with UVW. Lots of side hustles.

Dog Section Press
Solidarity Unionism - Dog Section Press

Solidarity should not be contingent on perceived proximity to struggle, and everyone who claims to love our public services must realise they are implicated within this movement. If you support our public services, say it with your chest: help us build the union.

Dog Section

DOPE is a quarterly newspaper. DOPE 11 features: Andrew Fraser, Cash Carraway, David Graeber, Draw Fire, Elliot Murawksi (Blue Bag Life), Kate Flood (IWW), Matt Bonner, Melissa Govea, Nika Dubrovsky, Oneslutriot, Rebecca Hendin, Rhiannon Firth, Ruth Kinna & Stanley Donwood. DOPE is distributed in solidarity by our network of street-vendors around the UK.

New Socialist
Organising Strategy after Lockdown

Introduction As lockdown restrictions lift, the ways in which coronavirus has altered how we live, work and organise are becoming evident. Though uncertain and unfamiliar, there will be a world after Covid-19 and what the left does now will determine what this new world looks like.

Forcing MPs to take an oath of allegiance to the monarchy undermines democracy

Pledging allegiance to the British monarch is a necessary prerequisite for all members of Parliament to take their seats at Westminster. There is an alternative pledge, of 'solemn affirmation', which removes the religious element of the oath. MPs who wish to represent constituents at Westminster without endorsing an unelected monarchy, however, have no such alternative.