Hannah Guthman

"Inspired by communication, passionate about writing, and devoted to health and wellness"

United States of America

It is my firm belief that every type of social, psychological, and emotional encounter offers a unique growth opportunity, and I strive to challenge myself to learn something new everyday. I am committed to maintaining a life full of balance, and routine laughter is an essential part of my daily practice. I love to run and eat clean, but I am easily won over by coffee, red wine and dark chocolate. My ultimate goal is to utilize written words to start conversations, ignite ideas and share inspiration with others.


Featured Articles

Live in the Grey
How to Turn Your Dreams into Your Reality

What sights and smells surround you? Who surrounds you- a special someone, copious numbers of relatives, or perhaps little kiddos of your own? And when you find yourself enjoying some alone time, are you proud of your accomplishments, big and small? Do your daily choices fulfill you, and provide you with happiness?

Morning Mantras - Philosophie

Goooood Morning - well, not exactly. You can't quite tell. This past Saturday was not as relaxing as you had hoped, and Sunday, the day you normally dedicate to planning out the week ahead, was filled with a constant frenzy of errand running - the pet store, Target, the market, AND Costco (the checkout line alone took about half an hour to get through...).

Coffee & Cacao Magic Superfood Smoothie - Philosophie

Hannah Guthman's nutrient-packed breakfast smoothie is so decadently delicious you'll be springing out of bed towards your blender before you've even had a dose of java! The coffee instantly makes it an effective wake-up drink, but one packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals-all courtesy of the banana, spinach, nut milk, and Cacao Magic.

Elite Daily

Elite Daily
5 Reasons Why Taking A Nap As An Adult Is Both A Reward And A Struggle

Hannah Guthman in Life Remember back when we were little kids, and the phrase, "it's time to take a nap" was one of the most awful, dreadful combination of words uttered by our parents? It usually came on a weekend, around 2 pm or so, sometimes right after lunch.

Elite Daily
6 Miserable Things About Undergrad You Can't Wait To Forget

You can barely keep your eyes open, but your head is held high as you march toward a TA's office to turn in your final, final paper. The all-nighter maintained by frequent munching and copious amounts of coffee were well worth it.

Elite Daily
5 Reasons Beets Are The Root Vegetable Your Life Needs Much More Of

Hannah Guthman in Wellness It's time to officially meet the beet: a savory, earthy, slightly-sweet piece of produce packed with color and supercharged with nutrients. This seasonal vegetable is well known for its ruby-red appearance, and it is praised for its medicinal properties, which have been used to treat a variety of illness including vitamin deficiencies, inflammation and tummy trouble.

Elite Daily
5 Easy, Wallet-Friendly Tips To Restore Your Hair's Health For Summer

Hannah Guthman in Beauty No matter how we decide to style, wash, color or cut our hair, it endures a variety of damaging irritants on a daily basis. Some of these impurities are packaged in the form of beauty products; some are incorporated into the manufactured foods we eat, and others are simply the result of the environment and sun exposure.

Elite Daily
What It Was Like To Be Lifted By A Lotus And Rise Above Hardships

Hannah Guthman in Motivation Within the realm of mindfulness, the flowering, aquatic lotus is widely understood as a symbol of strength and enlightenment, and as a metaphor for growth and transcendence. I wasn't really aware of the associated meanings until I became interested in Buddhism about four years ago.