Chelsea Young

Editor, Writer

United States



Chelsea Young

Please click my name above for my complete resume and detailed contact information.


AAA Arizona Highroads

Where Magazine

Where Denver/WhereTraveler
Where Denver

I conceptualized, wrote and edited this magazine from cover to cover.

Colorado Guestbook

I conceptualized the content in this coffee-table style travel book (in many Denver-area) hotel rooms. I also wrote a Q&A feature, spotlights on dining and cultural attractions and edited all content within the book.

Where Tucson/WhereTraveler
Where Tucson

I conceptualized, wrote and edited this magazine from cover to cover.

Tucson Guestbook

I conceptualized the content in this coffee-table style travel book (in many Tucson-area) hotel rooms. I also wrote a Q&A feature, spotlights on dining and cultural attractions and edited all content within the book.

Creative Writing


Pulse Magazine
Into Africa; War & Media

I wrote two feature articles for my journalism school's alumni magazine.


Top 5 Post Study Abroad Careers

So you've studied abroad - but now what? If you're anything like me, you're ready to get back out into the world and explore all its wonders. Luckily, as our world continues to become more and more global, and once seemingly far-off places are now more accessible than ever, so are jobs related to all things international.

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Travel On the Cheap(er) Side

Life is expensive and every dollar counts, especially when it comes to travel. It's a daunting thought knowing you could spend the majority of your hard-earned money on flights and a hotel. And what about all the fun "extras" you want money for like food, entertainment, and shopping?


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Makeup Meets Skincare: BB Cream Debunked

Magazines and makeup counters alike are raving about the latest beauty phenomenon, BB Cream. It may not be a miracle worker but it will save you a lot of time (and money!) while benefitting your skin in the process.

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Oily No More: The Nitty Gritty of De-Slicking

Skin is a funny thing, isn't it? Factors ranging from stress and hormones to the weather and your diet can cause skin to fluctuate from dry to oily to something in-between. Even if you wouldn't consider yourself "oily," chances are you get the occasional shiny forehead or nose.

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Be Glam and Green

In honor of the 42nd Earth Day earlier this week, I thought I'd provide a few ways for you, lovely readers, to not only look good but feel good about doing so. Amazingly enough, many beauty and fashion brands are paving the way for Earth-conscious efforts and awareness for our environment - all while keeping up with the latest trends, of course.

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Covering Up Doesn't Have To Be Cakey

When I worked in the makeup industry, the biggest concern I heard from women who wanted new concealer or foundation was, "I don't want it to look cakey." Well, duh! No one wants to have foundation or concealer actually visible on their face- the whole point of these products is to smooth out and even one's complexion.

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Power to the Plum: How to rock one of fall's hottest colors

Labor Day weekend is upon us and that means the tell-tale signs of fall are just around the corner. With temperatures dropping, we'll soon be trading sandals for booties, sundresses for layers, and summer brights for fall-like jewel tones. One of the colors repeated on runways and beauty pages alike is deep plum.

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The Truth About Sonic Cleansing

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Clarisonic— a handy beauty tool from the creators of the Sonicare toothbrush. It deep cleans pore by digging out dirt and grime, reduces pore size and fine lines, and helps control oil and dry patches. Sounds like a miracle tool, right?

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Bronze in a Bottle

We all know that getting a golden glow from the sun or a tanning bed is a big no-no. But we also know a streaky, orange mess from self-tanner-gone-wrong is horrifying. Take it from a very pale gal, I get it; baring it all (or most of it) is much easier with a bronzed bod.

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Tips on Looking Effortlessly Good in the Heat

Well, it's that time of year. The sun's out and temperatures are rising (unless, like me, you're in foggy San Francisco). But for the majority of you, this change in weather means it's time to shift your beauty habits a bit.


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Apps For a Happy Life

I'm definitely not a 'techie' by any means, but I'm going to geek out a bit here in the name of four cool apps (which are also on the web) that have vastly improved the fun and ease in my day-to-day life. If, like most people, you're in a tizzy over the iPhone's new non-Google map, read on!

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Money Matters

Now that it's almost fall, we're heading toward a rather pricey time of the year with holiday gifts and travel. We all know that between our necessary expenses (rent, utilities, bills) and our wants (all the fun stuff), extra cash can be hard to come by. Try as we may, it's hard to budget.

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The Bride's Code of Conduct

So, I've never been a bride (give me a few more years, please!) but I have been a part of four weddings, and as a bridesmaid, I've learned a thing or two about what to do (and not do) from watching my respective friends handle their bridal duties.

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The Art of Being Alone

So, it's Friday night and you don't have any plans. Not because you don't have any options, but because you chose to be alone. Some of you may think it's a crazy proposition... but is it?

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What to Do When You Need a Vacation From Your Vacation

Isn't it ironic that a vacation, while meant to be a relaxing escape from the realities of our lives, can actually leave us feeling exhausted? Sure, vacations are relaxing because you have a reason to ignore your email, sleep in (or stay up until the wee hours), and to cut yourself some slack on eating healthy.

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Bra Maintenance 101

It's no secret- we all need and wear bras. But proper bra maintenance, perhaps, is a big secret. How many times do you wash your bras? And when you wash them, do you toss it into the spin cycle with your sweats?

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How To Make a New House Feel Like Home

I recently moved to a new place, and when all of my things were in boxes, the rooms in my house mimicked how I felt: empty. When the physical remnants of your life and memories are packed away, a place that once felt so personal is just a bunch of bare wall space.

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Wise Words From Dad

You know what they say: hindsight is 20/20. Don't we all wish we could have the wisdom we get from going through hardships before we endure them? When I reflect on the three phrases that have helped me in the past and guided me toward my future, I realize the one thing they all have in common is that they have been passed down to me from my dad .